Weekly update: 2017 week #34

This is our weekly update for the 34th week of 2017. The features and fixes might arrive at the desktop and mobile app a few days later than the web version.


  • Real-time sync. Now instead of asking the server “is there any changes?” every few seconds, the server “pushes” things to the client whenever there’s change. This is only being tested on the web app right now; soon it will be available on desktop and mobile apps too. (So Francisco you guessed right last week! 👍)


  • [Infrastructure] On Saturday night, we migrated and scaled our severs as server usage has grown a lot. With the new setup, we expect server availability to be better in the long term.


  • [UI/minor] Fixed “Ctrl+Enter” to enter global search doesn’t show up as “Cmd+Enter” on macOS.