Category Archives: Updates

September update

We’ve now upgraded the underlying engine. Please note that you’ll need to re-download the installer from our official website.


  • Now uses native spellchecker which should be faster and less resource intensive. Available spellchecker language will depend on what’s installed from the OS.
  • Updated Unicode support for recently added emojis and Unicode characters.
  • Lower memory usage and faster performance.
  • Includes all recent security patches, although none is known to affect Dynalist.


  • Fixed auto-detect theme not working on the desktop app.

August update


  • We added a new menu option to toggle all siblings. It will collapse or expand all siblings of the current item (siblings are items that are on the same level as the current item). This helps you quickly switch between a bird’s-eye view and a detailed view. There’s also a custom shortcut for this feature.


  • When setting time in the date picker, text will be automatically selected so you can start typing right away.


  • Fixed checked items are not shown in Flat Search results with “is:completed” search operator.

July update


  • Allow navigating up and down with Ctrl-P and Ctrl-N on macOS.
  • Added a notice when trying to right click to rename a global tag.
  • You can now choose Saturday as an option as first day of a week.


  • Fixed not being able to select items past the current page on Firefox.
  • Fixed cursor not on screen when you press Down near the bottom of the screen.


  • Fixed drag and drop to move files in the sidebar would trigger the menu and obscure the view.


  • Added numbered list field to API.

June update

Happy Canada Day!


  • [Pro] Insert template. With our newest Pro feature, you can insert a template at the current item. You can choose “Insert template…” option in the item menu, or trigger it with a custom hotkey. You’ll be prompted a quick search to bring up the template item. Hope that’s useful!


  • Checked items are no longer shown in a number of places if it’s set to hidden, including Item Mover, Item Finder, link suggestion, and backlink results.
  • You can now use Ctrl/Cmd+Comma to open settings.


  • Fixed link suggestion text go out of bound of screen when it’s too long.

May update


  • [Pro] Offline mode. With our newest Pro feature, you can save data locally instead of sending it to our servers. Only available on desktop app (the web app doesn’t have access to your file system).


  • Notes are not longer show in Mind map view if notes are set to hidden.


  • Fixed not being able to scroll in the help modal.


  • Fixed global search not working if you have selected an item.
  • Fixed dragging and dropping item at same level being difficult.

April update


  • Offline option. We’re working on adding an option to disable data synchronization to our server so that you can work on your documents locally.


  • Flat search improvements: breadcrumb is now moved to before the item, and items under the same parent are now grouped.
  • Multi-line code blocks can now specify the language for the highlighter by specifying the language right after the three backticks. The language used to be auto-detected and could be wrong.
  • Adjusted detection margin for drop location to child item.


  • Fixed sync doesn’t start running until after a long delay.
  • Fixed strikethrough, latex, and highlight cannot be escaped using backslash.
  • Fixed sometimes getting out of flat search causes hotkeys to stop working.
  • Fixed root item menu pushed off too far to the left when backlink indicator is showing.


  • Fixed iPad tapping on date picker causes it to disappear.

March update

Hi Dynalisters, happy April Fools’! (This update is not a joke though!)


  • New formatting for highlighting text. You can write “==your text here==” to highlight text, and the text will look like it highlighted with a yellow highlighter.


  • More intuitive sorting. Now sorting uses natural numbers and ignore punctuation.
  • Your cursor position is restored when zooming out from a collapsed parent item.


  • Fixed dragging an item to create a new document won’t update links to itself.
  • Fixed can’t collapsed an item that’s already collapsed when searching.
  • Fixed collapsed states not properly synced in some cases.


  • Fixed inserting attachments not working on iOS.
  • Fixed tag and link auto-complete lags by one character behind your query on iOS.

February update

Hi Dynalisters!

Sorry for the missing updates for the past two months—our dev team has been pretty swamped with Obsidian and personal matters. We’ll try to resume our monthly updates from now on!


  • There are two new custom shortcuts for inserting today’s date and current time respectively. You can find them in Settings – Keymap – Formatting or by search for “current” under Settings – Keymap.


  • Now internal links will be auto-updated and continue to work when you drag and drop or use Item Mover.
  • Now when using relative date format, all day events will show name of the day rather than “X hours ago”.
  • New custom shortcut for activating search and replace on the current selection.
  • When dropping items under a collapsed parent, now the drop location will follow the “Move item to” settings in Settings – Preference – Advanced.


  • Fixed finder input not properly focused on open in Safari.
  • Fixed shortcut to go to inbox not working in flat search.
  • Fixed collapsed state not properly synced in rare cases.
  • Fixed tooltip leaving behind weird lines.
  • Fixed tooltip not working properly when text is too long.

November update

Hi Dynalisters, below is we’ve been up to in November:



  • Fixed couldn’t change global search and do another search.
  • Fixed going back from global search goes to no document is open screen.
  • Fixed hotkey to go to note does not work on iPad with Apple Keyboard.


  • You can now drag and drop multiple items into the left pane to create document.
  • Link autocomplete now strips out formatting.


  • Fixed code block looks broken when only first line of note is visible.
  • Fixed date picker appear out of screen on small screen on desktop.

October update

Hi Dynalisters, below is we’ve been up to in October:


  • Allow duplicating while multi-selecting on mobile.
  • Fix Enter would sometimes create a newline rather than a new item when using Gboard on Android.
  • Fixed auto capitalization fails after using Tab.


  • Make word count accurate for more languages.
  • Selection is now preserved when exiting search.
  • Dropping a file into an empty folder now highlights it instead of showing a line, making it consistent with dropping a file into a non-empty folder.


  • Zooming no longer automatically focuses on the item
    unless “Auto-focus on first item” is turned on.
  • Fixed backlinks to the root item of a document are not rendered.