October update

Hi all! Here’s our update for October 2018. Next month, we’ll be improving spellchecker and hopefully start to work on recurring dates.

Features & improvements

  • Finally spell-checking is available in our desktop apps! Just make sure your Dynalist app is at least 1.1.13. Currently, the spellchecker is only able to work with English text, and there are no options yet to add words to the dictionary. Hopefully that will all be added before our next monthly update.
  • Now available: new sort option called “Reverse current” that will reverse the current item order.


  • Fixed sorting option not working for the document root item or the current zoomed in item.

Other news

  • Starting in October, we’ve got Thao onboard to help with our customer support. You can still always reach us! Just let Thao know that you want to talk to Erica about the product or talk to Shida about technical stuff.
  • Our blog and forum have now been migrated from HTTP to the more secure HTTPS so it not longer screams “Not secure” on certain browsers! This should have been done long ago and we apologize it took so long.