This is our weekly update for the 32nd week of 2017. The features and fixes might arrive at the desktop and mobile app a few days later than the web version.
- New customizable shortcut: go to parent item. This is under the “Navigating & moving” section in Settings – Keymap.
- New customizable shortcut: go to previous sibling and go to next sibling. This is under the “Navigating & moving” section in Settings – Keymap.
- New customizable shortcut: duplicate current item. This is under the “Working with lists” section in Settings – Keymap.
- [Keymap] Now you can add multiple shortcuts or remove current shortcuts for an action.
- [Mobile] Now the mobile app will attempt to sync when it’s brought up from the background. This is be available in the next mobile app update.
- [UI/minor] Now you can go up from the first item to the current root item with the Up arrow key.
- [Search] Fixed items with children don’t properly show the parent bullet (circled dot) in search.
- [UI/minor] Fixed Up arrow doesn’t work when the cursor is at the beginning of a line in a multi-line item, excepting the first line.
- [UI/minor] Fixed expand/collapse icon overlaps with the bullet after window is resized to be narrower than really narrow (less than 600px).
- [UI/minor] Fixed left pane becomes empty after window is resized to be narrower than really narrow (less than 600px).