Author Archives: Dynalist Team

2016/10/29 outage postmortem

For those not familiar with the word “postmortem” in our context, it’s a report after a serious incident that explains the causes of the incident and comes up with ways to prevent such incidents in the future.

Background info: Dynalist was down from 12 AM to around 9:30 AM EDT on October 29, 2016. No data was lost.

Link to the postmortem (analysis): click here.

We’ll update this blog post as we implement the measures mentioned in the postmortem.

We’re really, really sorry for the outage and the inconvenience it brought to those who tried to access Dynalist during the downtime, it’s totally our fault.

Weekly update: 2016 week #42

Here are the latest from us:


  • One tap to zoom and collapse/expand on mobile. Now you can tap on the bullet to zoom, and the collapse/expand icon is on the right. No need to bring up the keyboard for these two most frequently used actions any more! Note that the “Use bullet to zoom” setting does not affect mobile.
  • Some improvements for the Windows desktop app private beta version. We disabled options that don’t work while offline, and added shortcut (Alt+Left and Alt+Right) for going back and forward. We haven’t released the new version yet, but it will be out soon.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed item toolbar not properly updated on mobile when you focus on an item. Before, this would cause some buttons to disappear when the action should be allowed under that situation. Sorry about that!
  • Fixed internal links occupy more than one line when the browser window is narrow.
  • Fixed date, image, and internal link misalignment in the current header.
  • Fixed menu icon misalignment in Article View.
  • Fixed breadcrumb layout problem on mobile (under no document border setting).

That’s it, thanks for reading!


Weekly update: 2016 week #41

Hello and happy Monday! Here are the newest changes:


  • Google sign up & login. As an existing user, you can also link your Google account so that you can log in with you Google account rather than typing out your password. To link your account, go to Settings→Account.


  • Now the “Export” and “Get link” option show up for the document title as well, so you don’t have to find it in the file pane in order to export the entire document.
  • Made both “Login” and “Sign up” visible in the header of mobile landing page. Before, there is only a login link (because of space limitation) and to sign up, you have to scroll to the very bottom of the page.
  • We’ve updated our jQuery (a JavaScript library) version from 2.1.4 to 3.1.1. This should bring some performance improvements when there are lots of elements on the page. We’ll do more performance optimization soon as well, but it’s a good start!
  • Improved help center categorization to help find things faster.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed “Collapse all” and “Expand all” option bug for the zoomed in item. Before, “Collapse all” appears when “Expand all” should and vice versa.
  • Fixed Ctrl+F twice bug. Before, the first time you press Ctrl+F would open Dynalist search, and the second time would open browser default search rather than exiting Dynalist search.
  • Fixed ugly button on Search Everywhere page on iOS Safari. We forgot to override some default styles and it looked really weird.
  • Tweaked Sepia theme, specifically the keyboard shortcut background color in the shortcut help pane.

Update for the Windows app private beta: everything looks fine so far, no disasters like critical bugs or data losses. There are a few hiccups here and there, but we’re fixing them and they are all relatively minor. Next up, our plan is to release the Windows desktop public beta before end of October, as well as starting private beta for both MacOS and Linux. Stay tuned for more updates on that in our future weekly updates!

That’s it, have a great week guys!

Weekly update: 2016 week #40

Happy Thanksgiving to anyone also in Canada! We’re very thankful for having awesome users like you guys. Seriously.


  • We’re sending out invites for the Windows app private beta later today, super excited! We’ve spent a fair amount of time on this during the past week fixing bugs and doing final polishing, and we hope the private beta would go well. (We’ve got more than enough beta testers onboard, so unfortunately we can’t accept more beta testers last minute. The public beta version will be out soon!)


  • Added new options to display images inline along with text, rather than showing a link. The displayed image will be downsized if the original image is large. You can always click on it to open up the original image in a new tab. The setting can be found in Settings → Preferences → Appearance.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed pasting screenshots not working. Before, when you paste in a screenshot that’s saved in your clipboard, the image markdown will be created but the placeholder URL won’t be replaced by the real URL even after uploading has completed. In other words, the image always shows as “This image is being uploaded”.
  • Fixed timezone not recognized. Before, if you enable the “Show timezone” option and change the timezone, the change won’t be recognized.
  • Fixed wrong bold and italics format when exporting to plain text. Before, HTML would be exported in plain text instead of markdown (e.g. “<b>text</b>” instead of “**text**”).
  • Fixed pressing Enter twice at the top level would zoom out.
  • Fixed title selection bug. Before, you can select text in the title from right to left but not from right to left. This is a tricky bug, but Shida nailed it!
  • Fixed Shift+Up/Down while focusing in note would blur the cursor.

That’s it, see you next week!

Weekly update: 2016 week #39

Happy Monday guys! Here’s the update from last week:


  • Introducing our newest free theme, Sepia! It’s easier on the eyes and softer than the default theme, designed for people who spend a lot of time reading stuff on Dynalist.


  • Now you can Alt+Click a tag to remove it. No fancy animation for now, but hey, it works 😉
  • Bold or italicize multiple items at once. Before, you could only format inline text segments.
  • Improved categorization in the shortcut help sidebar so it’s less messy. We also put the basic shortcuts at the front so they are more accessible. Thanks for this suggestion by the wonderful Dan Rosenstark!
  • Fixed hover icons (hamburger and zoom) alignment for different combinations of various font sizes, list densities, and heading styles.
  • Fixed line height problem caused by internal links, images, etc. Their box is now smaller and interfere less with the normal flow of text.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed broken reset password page. It was accidentally broken by our new development build system until a user tries to reset her password and couldn’t 😅
  • Fixed missing “Delete checked item” option for the currently zoomed in item.
  • Fixed lack of right margin under the “Comfortable” list density option.

Lastly, a minor update for the Windows app beta: the progress is looking good, and hopefully we can put the first beta version in your hands by next Monday.

See you next week!

Weekly update: 2016 week #38 (beta testers needed!)

First of all, we’re looking for beta testers for our Windows desktop app! If you’d like to test it for us and provide feedback, contact us using the in-app feedback option. The beta version should be ready in the next two weeks. (Don’t be sad Mac users, a MacOS version will be here soon!)

As usual, here’s the update from last week:


  • We added the option to highlight overdue items in red. You can find this option in Settings → Preferences → Date.
  • We added a new way to navigate between siblings of the current root item. The shortcut is Ctrl+Shift+[ to go to previous of current root, and Ctrl+Shift+] to go to the next. Pro users can customize this shortcut to your liking.
  • Now you can add notes to the document title itself. You can use markdown or dates in it; it’s just like any other note for consistency’s sake.
  • Added extra error reporting mechanism for Can’t Sync errors, since it’s very hard to debug on our end alone. Now when you run into this error, you can click on the Can’t Sync label to open a popup that shows exactly what failed to be synced. You can also download the error as a .log file and send to Dynalist Support. We take sync really seriously and hopefully with this new mechanism, we can eliminate Can’t Sync errors altogether.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed broken document title layout for read only documents.
  • Fixed desktop layout showing up in BlackBerry Passport. We know not many people use BlackBerry Passport, but it’s nice to have Dynalist work in one more type of mobile device!
  • Fixed search tip popover disappear when you click on Search Everywhere or a search modifier.
  • Fixed hidden note icon showing up in the when the page is printed.

That’s it guys, looking forward to the Windows app beta! 🙂

Weekly update: 2016 week #37

Hi friends! Last week was an exciting week for Dynalist as usual. Lots of great things going on, although some of them are not visible to you guys right now (it will soon!). The visible things are:


  • Added new option to use bullet to zoom. This basically swaps the position of zoom and collapse/expand. For people who zoom more than expand/collapse, check out this option! It’s in Settings → Preferences → Control.


  • Fixed the oversized Export popup on mobile.
  • Added the “Expand all/collapse all” option for document title. Before, you’d double click, but now that the document title is editable, we don’t want the double click behavior any more since that’s also how many people select a word.
  • Improved our sync to prevent Can’t Sync errors when you move large lists. That makes what needs to be sent 4 times smaller. We also increased the size limit on our server so we can receive larger changes. Rarely, it still happens, and we’re still investigating why. If you run into this situation, let us know!
  • The mobile interface now appears under 500 pixels on desktop. Before, it was 800 pixels, and for some computers that’s 2/3 the entire width. With the new 500 pixels break point, the mobile interface only appears when you resize the window to be really narrow, but the sidebar would still be there when you resize the window to half of screen width.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed left sidebar would glitch and appear for a second as you resize the window to be narrower.
  • Fixed bug where when you click on a search result in Search Everywhere and go back in your browser, a blank screen would appear.
  • Fixed date picker can’t be triggered on a French keyboard.

See you next week! 🙂

Weekly update: 2016 week #36

These are the changes happened to Dynalist last week:


  • We updated all of the icons! They are now consistent and thinner. The size of the bullet point is also tuned down slightly. Hopefully this makes the interface a bit more lightweight.
  • Added “first day of week” setting for dates. If you prefer seeing Monday as the first day of the week, you can do that now.
  • The search tip options are now clickable. That’s the box that appears under the search bar when you start searching in the document. You can click them to either search in all documents or insert a search filter.
  • The left pane is thinner when closed to save more space.
  • You can now go back and forth between the date part and the time part inside the datepicker with Tab.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug on iOS where a blank white screen would cover everything when you edit.

Until next time, take care! 🙂

Weekly update: 2016 week #35

This is the latest from Dynalist:


  • Now you can jump to the time picker inside the date picker with Tab.
  • Redesign of the iOS node toolbar. We added a few options, and because they cannot fit on a single line, now you can slide between two parts of the toolbar.
  • Added the “Add date” option to node toolbar, and now you can open date picker either by using this option or tapping on an existing date.
  • Document title is now editable right inside the document, cheers!
  • It used to be the case that it’s hard to focus on an item. There’s some space between the items and on the right end of the screen, and tapping on this space doesn’t trigger focus on any item. Now focusing on items are made much easier.


  • Not exactly a feature for existing users, but we added a new onboarding tutorial. As an existing user, you can take a look at the tutorial as well if you’re interested. Simply open the main menu and choose “Tutorial”.


  • Fixed copying and pasting from websites like Wikipedia would screw up the line breaks.
  • Fixed logged in user shouldn’t be able to see the demo page. Last week one user mistakenly thought the demo page was her own Dynalist, so we added the redirect and explicit warning on demo to prevent this kind of confusion going forward.

That’s it, have an awesome week guys! Also good luck to anyone who’s starting school this week 🙂

Weekly update: 2016 week #34

Hello y’all! Last week was a productive week for Dynalist:


  • Changed the style of all existing tooltips. Now they have a consistent look and update in real time when you toggle stuff.
  • UI improvements for buttons and input fields. Hopefully they look simpler and flatter now. Some people complained that some parts of our UI look a bit too 2008 🙂
  • Move shortcut help panel to the right so that it doesn’t cover your content when you have it open.
  • Added search tip to search bar to make the search modifiers more discoverable.
  • Now you can pick dates in the date picker with arrow keys!
  • Improved the UI of the view filter options. We have to admit that it was pretty confusing before, and hopefully it’s easier to understand and to use now.
  • Added the “edited:” search modifer. Now you can search for recently edited items, e.g. search for “edited:7d” to bring up all items that were changed during the past week.
  • Optimized how date picker and tag/link suggestion popup are displayed. Before, the date picker would display below the current line even if there’s not enough space. Now they would appear above the current line if there’s more space there.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed file misalignment in the file pane on mobile.
  • Fixed node toolbar misalignment on iOS. Before, the black toolbar was not centered on the screen because of miscalculation.

That’s it, hope you guys liked it. Have an awesome week and we’ll see you next week!