This is our weekly update for the 13th week of 2018. The features and fixes might arrive at the desktop and mobile app a few days later than the web version.
- [Keyboard shortcut] You can now useĀ the Esc key to stop editing the current item, and to render the formatting. Pressing Esc again will restore the previous cursor position.
- [Mac app] You can now useĀ Cmd+Left/Right to go forward and back, given you’re not editing anything. You can press Esc first to stop editing before going back.
- [UI] When using Shift+Up/Down to select items, the page will automatically scroll when the destination is out of view.
- [Desktop app] Fixed undo and redo options in the system menu not working.
- [Mac app] Fixed cursor not properly placed in the inbox capture dialog when invoking the global shortcut.
- [Desktop app] Fixed global inbox capture shortcut being occupied for free accounts.