Hey Dynalisters! Here’s what we’ve been up to in February.
February is always short, but at least this time we’ve got 29 days instead of 28! 😉
- [Date] You can now define date ranges! Please see this help article on how to use it.
- [Checkbox] Checkbox can now be toggled for each item. You can still bulk add and remove checkboxes on all child items though, don’t worry. Please see this PSA post for more info and on how to migrate your existing checklists.
- [Date] Properly handle all day events. Before, we treat dates with 00:00 am time as all day events. Now, all day events are proper date ranges that go from start of day to end of day. This makes them match search queries better, and allows you to actually specify dates with time equal to 00:00 am without assuming they are all day events.
- [Date] The time picker now has the “Now” shortcut option that will put in the current time for you.
- [Drag and drop] When dropping items inside a parent item with existing child items, it will now be placed at the end. Before, the newly dropped child appears at the top.
- [Search] “within:0d” now returns all dates from the current time to end of today, whereas “within:today” returns all dates from start of today to end of today.
- [i18n] Captcha now shows up in countries where Google is not accessible.
- [Email to inbox] Fixed incoming emails with empty body would not get added to inbox.
- [Copy/paste] Fixed copying and cutting with nothing selected would clear the clipboard.
- [Copy/paste] Fixed HTML elements in comments would get their contents pasted (fixed specifically for copying from OneNote).
- [UI] Fixed LaTeX example in “Formatting & Shortcut Help” pane not properly show up because of dynamically loading KaTeX.
- [Share to inbox] Sharing to inbox now syncs right away. Before, there’s a chance that it will not be synced to the server.
- [Sync] The app now resumes syncing sooner after you have been offline for a long time.
- [Sync] Show proper sync status right away instead of waiting 3 seconds like on the web app and desktop app. (The 3 second wait is due to the consideration that we don’t want the sync status to flash all the time as you type. However, on mobile the sync status is not visible most of the time. Plus, knowing whether changes have been synced to the cloud is more important on mobile, as you may want to send the app to background at any time.)
- [UX] Scroll out of view items to center of the screen instead of edge of screen as the keyboard pops up. This prevents the issue where iOS will try to scroll the document fast when you’re trying to select text near the edge of screen.
API (docs)
- [New endpoint] Added new endpoint to get and set user preference (“/pref/get” and “/pref/set”, respectively).
- [New field] Added “file_id” field to add to “/inbox/add” endpoint.