Author Archives: Dynalist Team

Weekly update: 2017 week #46

This is our weekly update for the 46th week of 2017. The features and fixes might arrive at the desktop and mobile app a few days later than the web version.


  • Share to Dynalist inbox on Android, released in mobile app v1.1.17.


  • [Mobile] v1.1.7 was released today and it’s a huge update. Head over to this post to read what’s in v.1.17. It’s available for Android right now and will come to iOS shortly after.


  • [Tag pane] Fixed minor tag sorting issue where “#NASA” would come before “#apple” when sorting alphabetically.
  • [Desktop app] Fixed links to local image files not working on the desktop app.

v1.1.17: a huge mobile update

Recently we worked on improving the Dynalist mobile app with a laser-sharp focus, and v1.1.17 is our first step!

Released in the Play Store today, v1.1.17 will arrive at the App Store shortly. This update features:

  • Share text or URL directly to Dynalist inbox. This is only available for Android right now, and be sure to set up your inbox beforehand. Unlike using a shortcut to capture to inbox on web and desktop, this feature is not a Pro feature and anyone can use it.
  • Sort tags in the tag pane.
  • Fixed issues with back button for Android only.
  • Fixed checkbox being hard to tap on.
  • Slimmer item toolbar for more screen space.
  • More intuitive Lock Mode UI.
  • Allow single tap on folder name of toggle expand or collapse it. Before, you need to tap on the tiny triangle toggler icon to toggle it.
  • Added exit button for the date picker interface. Before, if you accidentally opened the date picker, there’s no way to exit it.
  • Fixed Ctrl key sometimes gets stuck when using an external keyboard with Dynalist.
  • Removed collapse/expand buttons in Search Everywhere results since they don’t make sense.

There are still tons of mobile improvements waiting to be done. Stay tuned for our next big mobile app update! 🤗

Weekly update: 2017 week #45

This is our weekly update for the 45th week of 2017. The features and fixes might arrive at the desktop and mobile app a few days later than the web version.



  • [Mobile/UI] Made the toolbar at the bottom smaller so you have more screen space to work with.
  • [UI/minor] When you use Ctrl+Up/Down to swap multiple items up or down, the page now automatically scrolls when the items go out of view.


  • [Parsing] Fixed “#” or “@” alone being detected as a tag.
  • [Firefox/UX] Fixed Ctrl+Shift+H triggers History Manager on Firefox in addition to cycling heading.

See your changes: version history

Have you ever wanted to find deleted content or check who made changes? Now you can do that!

Meet our latest Pro feature: version history.

To see the version history of a document, right click and choose “Version history”. On the left, you’ll see the list of revisions, and you can click on “Load more” if you’re looking for earlier changes.

After you select a version in the left sidebar, you’ll see the “Before Side” on the left. The Before Side shows the state of the document before a certain version is applied. On the right we have the “After Side”, and it contains the state after applying the change. You can choose to hide the After Side by toggling the checkbox in the top right corner.

On the Before Side, removals are shown in red, and on the After Side, additions are shown in green. By clicking any item on the Before Side or After Side, you can export it. The export interface allows you to export to three formats (formatted, plain text, OPML), or download HTML or OPML files. To navigate from the export interface to the version information, click on “Back to version” at the top of the export interface.

We have some ideas in mind for future improvements on this feature, but would love to hear what you think as well. Feedback are welcome in the comments or on the forum!

Weekly update: 2017 week #44

This is our weekly update for the 44th week of 2017. The features and fixes might arrive at the desktop and mobile app a few days later than the web version.


  • [File finder] Exclude current document in file finder recent document list (when search term is empty).
  • [LaTeX] Updated KaTeX version so the latest features can be used.


  • [UI/minor] Fixed checked items not becoming hidden after checking the current root item and zooming out.
  • [Export/minor] Fixed plain text indentation style option not applied when exporting another item.

Weekly update: 2017 week #43

This is our weekly update for the 43rd week of 2017. The features and fixes might arrive at the desktop and mobile app a few days later than the web version.


  • [Tag pane] You can now toggle between sorting tags alphabetically and by number of occurrence! Simply click on the icon on the top toolbar in the tag pane.


  • [View options] We’ve moved the “View as article” option into the “View options” menu, which you can access by clicking on the eye icon. The article view layout will apply to the current document, rather than to all documents.
  • [Misc] Dynalist now supports RTL language layout, when these languages are detected.
  • [UI/minor] File finder results and exported formatted content will use the font chosen in preferences rather than the Dynalist default font.


  • [Backup] Fixed “Download backup” not working in desktop app.
  • [UI/minor] Fixed code segment not aligned with LaTeX.
  • [UX/minor] Disabled Ctrl+click to multi-select on mobile since Ctrl key sometimes get stuck when using external keyboard with the mobile app.

New 50% off student discount!

We were students just a while back too, so we totally get it that students sometimes don’t have the money to support their favorite tools, even if they want.

So today we’re announcing our new 50% off student discount!

It’s simple to apply for a student discount: use your school email address to send us an email. If the email you used to sign up is your school email, the in-app feedback option works too.

In the email, include the following:

  1. Name of your school;
  2. Your expected graduation year;
  3. The email you signed up Dynalist with, if it’s not your school email;
  4. (Optional) A few words on how you plan to use Dynalist Pro 🙂

The student discount needs to be renewed every year.

If you have any questions about the student discount, or want to extend your free trial before taking advantage of the discount, just let us know!

P.S. Early bird pricing is stackable with the student discount.

Weekly update: 2017 week #41

This is our weekly update for the 41st week of 2017. The features and fixes might arrive at the desktop and mobile app a few days later than the web version.


  • [Tag pane] Added ability to rename tags in a document. To rename, double click on a tag under “Document tags”, or right click on it and choose “Rename”. Note that it doesn’t work for tags under the “All tags” section yet.
  • [Infrastructure] We’ve rewritten our backend to put less load on the database when possible. This should make Dynalist servers more reliable in the future!

Weekly update: 2017 week #40

This is our weekly update for the 40th week of 2017. The features and fixes might arrive at the desktop and mobile app a few days later than the web version.


  • [Shortcut] Shortcuts are revamped to avoid conflicts. Please see this post for more details.
  • [UI] Current zoomed-in item now has checkbox, so you can click on something in Search Everywhere results and check it right away.


  • [File attachments] Fixed uploaded files have wrong default permission on server side. Please see this post for more details.
  • [UI/minor] Fixed display first line of note not working properly in Firefox.
  • [Mac desktop] Fixed forward/backward shortcuts not working. The previous shortcut, Ctrl+Left/Right are used to switch spaces in Mission Control, so Dynalist cannot use it. The new shortcuts are Ctrl+[ (left bracket) for Back and Ctrl+] (right bracket) for Forward. Note that it’s Ctrl rather than Cmd. This will arrive in desktop v1.0.42.